MediaREDEF – awesome daily newsletter

If you have any interest at all in the media industry, or technology, or startups or the world around us and the people in it then you should subscribe to this newsletter. Every day it provides a list of interesting longer form articles on a variety of topics from publishers including:

  • The Guardian
  • Techcrunch
  • Buzzfeed
  • MMQB
  • Grantland
  • Pando Daily
  • The Atlantic
  • The Verge
  • Medium

Also, if you’re in the UK timezone then it’s currently arriving around 12.30 so perfect for something to read over lunch.

The website is but just go on there to subscribe to the newsletter.

He has another one, FashionREDEF which is also good but I’m not as interested in fashion so don’t tend to read that many articles from it. Also I’ve usually spent a fair amount of time reading the MediaREDEF articles first so can’t commit the same time to FashionREDEF.


The inspiration: Cool Tools

Kevin Kelly’s Cool Tools site is one of the inspirations behind this site. It is updated daily with recommendations of tools which are  the best for their particular job. A lot of the time these tools are for jobs that I have no intention of doing but it is still interesting to read about what makes a particular tool the best of its kind, and also about what jobs people do with these tools. It’s pretty US focused but I have got some great ideas from here.

The book is even better but the website is where I started.

Update: There are a lot of reviews and suggestions of coffee paraphernalia on this site, the comments of which often lead to pretty heated arguments